Janet Munsil
playwright, director, teacher, instigator
I've been a playwright and theatre professional for almost 30 years. My training includes a BFA in Theatre (Directing and Design) and an MFA in Writing from the University of Victoria.
I currently teach playwriting at the University of Victoria as a sessional instructor, and host workshops and a Playwrights Unit through Langham Court Theatre in Victoria BC.
What is a Playwrights Unit?
A support group with a deadline! The Unit is composed of a group of emerging and established writers who meet on a regular basis (every two weeks) to read and discuss their new plays-in-progress, exchange knowledge, and share production opportunities.
Unit writers establish deadlines to meet page or draft goals, then share the work with the Unit at meetings. By setting goals, receiving feedback, and celebrating achievements, we motivate each other to keep writing.
The Spring 2020 Unit gathers at Langham Court Theatre in Victoria for four meetings (2.5 hours each) in March and April. Fee: $75 for Langham Members, $100 for non-members.
(This offering is FULL for Spring 2020)

Introduction to Playwriting Workshop
The most exciting aspect of writing your own play is the opportunity to create a complete world that can be brought to life by actors in front of a live audience. For that hour or two, a playwright guides the visual and spoken language onstage to bring characters to life, tell original stories in inventive ways, and express important ideas that are shared in real time and magnified by live performance.
Through short exercises and longer-range projects, this workshop will help anyone interested in writing a play to:
indentify stories that are best told through the medium of live theatre
find just the right theatrical form in which to tell your story
meet your characters and get them talking to each other
craft dialogue that shapes the plot and moves the action forward
write stage directions that excite directors and designers
uncover your play's "big ideas" by making surprising connections
get "unstuck" when you don't know what happens next
This is a start-from-scratch, two-day workshop: bring a new idea you'd like to work on, or just bring your interests and imagination and allow your characters to show you the world they live in. We will read and try to stage the things you write in the workshop. All levels of age and experience are welcome, and no theatre experience is required - but a love of writing and pleasure in going to live theatre is essential. (Please note: Writing for film and television is not covered in this workshop.)
(NEXT WORKSHOP Fall 2020, Dates TBC)
For more information, contact Langham Court Theatre or sign up for my newsletter below and I'll let you know the details of the next workshop.